Friday, 11 June 2010

Friday Thoughts

It is Friday 11th June 2010.  I am sitting in my office going through my daily visualisation routine.  I usually watch a 3 min animoto video I created with all my goals picture on it (the house, car, money, leisure pursuits, successful businesses etc) and then I watch a visualistion video from The Secret.  Its only 10 mins in the morning and it sets me up for the day.  This morning, I read a story from Bob Proctor and in it he asks the question..'What do you want?'.  'What do you REALLY want?'
Now, this has made me think today..well, what is it I really want?  Is it the car, the house, the money...or is it the feeling of freedom, not having to worry about bills, being able to live a life of joy and to be able to give back to the people I love?  For the first time I really think I understand this question and what it means. The last year has been one of tremendous growth but at the same time, I have still to make the breakthrough with my business career.  It feels like I am 3 inches from gold and if I keep digging I will get there soon.  It's trying to keep believing when the results are just not showing yet and people are questioning you..'why don't you get a real job just now?' is a question I get asked a lot.  Makes me question myself but then I read a motivational story or a comment by someone on Facebook about following your dreams and I know that this is the right path for me.

So, what do I want?  I want to wake up everyday with purpose, energy and drive.  I want to experience the feeling of freedom and be able to inspire others.  I want to be able to provide for my kids and show them the world and all the amazing things it has to offer...and open their minds to their potential.  I want to grow my businesses and get the dream house, car and travel..not for materialistic purposes but to feel the achievement and contentment from doing it under my own steam.  I want to write my poems and get them published..have been thinking a lot about this recently.

Now, ask yourself the same question today and really think about it...'WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?'

I hope this question has the same effect on you as it did on me.

Have a great day

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