Your experience is ultimately a product of what you choose or allow, consciously or otherwise.
What you do not consciously create you allow into your reality under the umbrella of your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings, sense of deserving & self-value, ego agendas, scripts, stories, patterns, unhealed hurts, and so on.
There are many reasons why you may create, or more likely allow, something negative in your life, including bad treatment from another.
Below are just a few examples:
* You may create it to bring up old pain that needs healing.
* It may be a product of existing limiting beliefs about yourself, others, or life itself (which you can of course change)
* Perhaps you have a victim or martyr story or self-pity agenda running.
* May be you love the drama of it all.
* Perhaps you are avoiding success, love or intimacy, or sabotaging yourself.
* It may be that you are already upset with someone from your past and are repeating the pattern as a means to release buried emotions.
* It could be a situation from which you will learn and grow and become more of who you are.
* Perhaps it is a soul-level contract you have agreed to, whether you are conscious of it or not.
Whatever the reason, and whether you have any idea what that reason is or not, Self-forgiveness (as well as forgiving others) is a way through! It is a way to let go, heal, change and move beyond to allow more successful loving realities into your life!
We all have 'stuff', yet our stuff is not who we are. Nor is it bad or wrong.
It's what we came here to explore in this lifetime, to learn from, grow, heal, let go of, and evolve, etc.
This does not mean you ever have to experience struggle or hardship, however.
"You can learn more through joy, beauty, wonder, laughter, excitement, love and curiosity than through pain." - Lazaris
There are many ways to heal, release and move beyond inner blocks and patterns.
The more you awaken to the inherent love, truth and magnificence of your being, the more you will let go of what you're not to receive more of your heart's desires.
Self-forgiveness can release much of the negativity, guilt, shame, undeserving, and so on and so forth that blocks happiness and success.
You may not even be conscious of what your blocks are. Self-forgiveness is a place to start.
"Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love."
- Gandhi
You are loved, loving and loveable, ever and always.
You deserve all your heart desires and more!
Know this! Open to receive :-)
Taken from an article by Mark Myhre (the Emotional Healing Wizard)
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Tidalwave Seminar - Ed Ludbrook
I was on an awesome webinar by Ed Ludbrook last night. The topic was 'How do you get success in the network marketing business'. Here are my notes - hope you get some value from them.
Success is reached by earning a little bit of money from a lot of people (residual income). Therefore, you need to create numbers. Duplications is what creates numbers.
Momentum = state of growth when your business grows by itself.
What is success as a network builder?
Success = when the investment you made is worth it! This usually comes at the 'Team Leader' status of most network marketing companies and is where you are earning an income PLUS the company incentives (eg cars, holidays, bonus cheques etc).
Therefore, you need to set your goal at this level and know what is required to get there (sales volumes, number of sponsored members).
To do need to create MOMENTUM!
Momentum = Team Leader = Success.
Momentum = Sponsoring Speed.
It is possible to create growth WITHOUT creating momentum but this will not allow your business to TAKE-OFF!
You need to create a tidalwave of momentum so as to avoid the situation where new team members lose focus and stop working.
3 Enemies to Creating Momentum
Success is reached by earning a little bit of money from a lot of people (residual income). Therefore, you need to create numbers. Duplications is what creates numbers.
Momentum = state of growth when your business grows by itself.
What is success as a network builder?
Success = when the investment you made is worth it! This usually comes at the 'Team Leader' status of most network marketing companies and is where you are earning an income PLUS the company incentives (eg cars, holidays, bonus cheques etc).
Therefore, you need to set your goal at this level and know what is required to get there (sales volumes, number of sponsored members).
To do need to create MOMENTUM!
Momentum = Team Leader = Success.
Momentum = Sponsoring Speed.
It is possible to create growth WITHOUT creating momentum but this will not allow your business to TAKE-OFF!
You need to create a tidalwave of momentum so as to avoid the situation where new team members lose focus and stop working.
3 Enemies to Creating Momentum
Confusion (kills confidence) - this can be created when your system is too complex or is incomplete. Effective coaching eliminates confusion.
Attrition (people stop working) - to achieve momentum, your sponsoring must be faster than your rate of attrition. You need to build an 'active' group. There are 2 types of attrition: Natural = people stop for their own reasons = their fault. Excessive = something wrong with your system = your fault. Coaching kills excessive attrition and increases productivity. Coaching is the key to confidence; confidence creates action; action creates momentum.
Gravity (negative emotions kills confidence, optimism and creates procrastination) - people need to have the BELIEF that they will succeed (get rich). Rich = choices / relationships / freedom. There are 3 kinds of action/belief. i) Inspirational - 'I think I can succeed' ii) Competence - 'I am learning to succeed' iii) Performance - 'I am succeeding'. The problem is most people jump from Inspirational to Performance too quickly and this leaves a Competence gap. It is important to become competent!
Massive urgent action is required. This comes about through opportunity and fear of loss. This allows your business to TAKE-OFF!
It's important to always have a full-time attitude (even if you are part time in your network marketing business). Work flat out for 6-18 months and reap the rewards. There can be a short-term confidence period but still have the full-time attitude. The confidence period is where the correct skills are learned.
2% of people will go straight into the Take-Off period. 98% will either go into the confidence period or will stop. Therefore it is important for your business that you give this 98% the correct coaching to allow these guys to enter the Take Off phase.
Keep it simple
Do NOT ignore learning
Build confidence
Build independence
Final Thoughts
How many people could you sponsor if you knew they would succeed?
You need to believe that new prospects will succeed.
If your coaching is correct, people will succeed.
Build confidence through effective coaching
A potential business builder will join something they believe they can succeed in - but there has to be a buzz around the business to attract and hold onto these people.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Friday Story
Your Wish Is My Command!
I am going to take a little idea from The Secret - and expand upon it - and also introduce a principle to those of you who haven't yet seen The Secret. I recommend that you do see it as soon as possible!
OK - here's the principle: That each and every thought you have is actually heard by your very own genie!
Stick with me here - because I do understand just how challenging this suggestion might be to some of you. I'm asking you to look at this light-heartedly - as it doesn't have to shake your foundations completely - it can be absorbed in a light-hearted way - and used in the same manner.
We've all been getting told for years to "be careful what you ask for - you just might get it"!
Some of us have been told this in a light hearted way; some in the form of a joke; some in the form of reference to prayer in a religious sense; and some in a very serious way. Whichever way we tend to view this - it is in itself part of the relationship we have with our genie... our thought processes.
The Law of Attraction which is the main focus of The Secret, is about owning what we create within our lives - and taking responsibility for our thoughts and understanding just how powerful they can be.
OK - the genie principle.
I truly believe that if each of us can embrace the simple idea that we have a friendly genie paying attention to each and every thought we have - then we will learn to grasp in a light-hearted way that we do actually create our own results in life.
If we can imagine that each thought (and our verbalizing of those thoughts) is being heard, and responded to like this; "OK - your wish is my command"! "I'll get right onto that for you"!
Whether the thoughts and words we use are positive - or negative - the results will be in alignment with those thoughts and words. Too many sages down through the ages and into the present have been agreeing on this for too long for it not to be true!
Remember - the votes have been unanimous for centuries!
What we think - we will manifest!
What we think - we will become!
What we think - we will continue to think - unless we take action to change our habitual thinking.
Thinking that has been put there by life; by our experiences in life; by other people who have had the same thought patterns put there by life; by their experiences in life; and by other people in their lives... and so it goes. Generations of thoughts which have created reality for millions of people - have been passed down to us.
Right now we all have a choice: To continue living under other people's opinions passed down to us about life; or to embrace change here and now and begin to create our own positive thoughts based upon a few pinnacle principles...
Unconditional Love; Abundance; Forgiveness; Spiritual Awareness; Inner Peace (which will spread to your community, then to your state, then to your country, and eventually globally); Deserving; Kindness; and Mind/Body/Spirit balance.
Of course there are other pinnacle principles on which to base new thoughts and ideas - but those just given above are some of the main ones necessary for each of us to manifest abundance, good health, a balanced lifestyle, peace and happiness in our lives.
I am very aware that many of you reading this will already be relating to your own genie as being God, and of course I encourage and respect that thought process, and the feelings surrounding those beliefs. My reasoning in writing this is to encourage a light-hearted aspect to our relationship with our thought processor.
A genie is something that most of us can actually visualize - so being capable of visualizing someone taking notes - then acting on those notes - is one slightly different way to view the importance of how our thoughts turn into reality!
Written by Phil Evans
I am going to take a little idea from The Secret - and expand upon it - and also introduce a principle to those of you who haven't yet seen The Secret. I recommend that you do see it as soon as possible!
OK - here's the principle: That each and every thought you have is actually heard by your very own genie!
Stick with me here - because I do understand just how challenging this suggestion might be to some of you. I'm asking you to look at this light-heartedly - as it doesn't have to shake your foundations completely - it can be absorbed in a light-hearted way - and used in the same manner.
We've all been getting told for years to "be careful what you ask for - you just might get it"!
Some of us have been told this in a light hearted way; some in the form of a joke; some in the form of reference to prayer in a religious sense; and some in a very serious way. Whichever way we tend to view this - it is in itself part of the relationship we have with our genie... our thought processes.
The Law of Attraction which is the main focus of The Secret, is about owning what we create within our lives - and taking responsibility for our thoughts and understanding just how powerful they can be.
OK - the genie principle.
I truly believe that if each of us can embrace the simple idea that we have a friendly genie paying attention to each and every thought we have - then we will learn to grasp in a light-hearted way that we do actually create our own results in life.
If we can imagine that each thought (and our verbalizing of those thoughts) is being heard, and responded to like this; "OK - your wish is my command"! "I'll get right onto that for you"!
Whether the thoughts and words we use are positive - or negative - the results will be in alignment with those thoughts and words. Too many sages down through the ages and into the present have been agreeing on this for too long for it not to be true!
Remember - the votes have been unanimous for centuries!
What we think - we will manifest!
What we think - we will become!
What we think - we will continue to think - unless we take action to change our habitual thinking.
Thinking that has been put there by life; by our experiences in life; by other people who have had the same thought patterns put there by life; by their experiences in life; and by other people in their lives... and so it goes. Generations of thoughts which have created reality for millions of people - have been passed down to us.
Right now we all have a choice: To continue living under other people's opinions passed down to us about life; or to embrace change here and now and begin to create our own positive thoughts based upon a few pinnacle principles...
Unconditional Love; Abundance; Forgiveness; Spiritual Awareness; Inner Peace (which will spread to your community, then to your state, then to your country, and eventually globally); Deserving; Kindness; and Mind/Body/Spirit balance.
Of course there are other pinnacle principles on which to base new thoughts and ideas - but those just given above are some of the main ones necessary for each of us to manifest abundance, good health, a balanced lifestyle, peace and happiness in our lives.
I am very aware that many of you reading this will already be relating to your own genie as being God, and of course I encourage and respect that thought process, and the feelings surrounding those beliefs. My reasoning in writing this is to encourage a light-hearted aspect to our relationship with our thought processor.
A genie is something that most of us can actually visualize - so being capable of visualizing someone taking notes - then acting on those notes - is one slightly different way to view the importance of how our thoughts turn into reality!
Written by Phil Evans
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
We Shall Overcome
Picture this:
It's a hard day. Challenging.
You know the kind.
You wake up feeling defeated. Before you even start.
It's not a lazy feeling.
Someday's it's an aimless feeling.
Some days it's a powerless feeling.
Sometimes it's a lonely feeling.
Perhaps at its core, it's a broke-down, unmotivated, somewhat agitated feeling.
Something is not right, and you're feeling beaten.
Beaten. Yes. Feeling beaten before you get out of the shower.
You might lose the whole day to this beaten feeling.
You might lose your dream to this beaten feeling.
You might lose everything because of this beaten-down feeling.
SO, what to do?? What to do? Because if you can't conquer this feeling, it will conquer you.
I've battled this beaten down feeling so many times before. I've found what works is to Name it, Accept it, Share it, Flip it, Escape it, Detour it, Use it, or Thank it.
1. Name It.
Until you name it, it owns you.
If you feel you've lost control over an important aspect of your life, admit it to yourself.
Maybe you feel that no matter how hard you try, you just can't win.
Maybe it feels like everyone can win except you. If that's what's bringing you down today, admit it to yourself.
Maybe you feel bad about yourself. Admit it. Naming a bad feeling is self-honesty. Without self-honesty you'll stay stuck.
2. Embrace It
Embrace whatever it is as a very normal human way to feel. Because it is. We all get down. Life is f-in hard on us all now and again. If you don't have hard hard days, you're (a) not alive, (b) not living, (c) not human. So appreciate your humanity, strong and weak. Don't kick yourself. Love your own beat-down feelings like you'd love your own child's cries of frustration while learning to ride a bike.
3. Share it.
Confide in someone how you're feeling and why. Speaking to someone about it will take the weight off it. Hiding the feeling from everyone else will turn the feeling into shame. You can't afford to let it turn into shame. Shame is the mother of all confidence killers. And if you are feeling ashamed, confiding in someone about it - someone who loves you and who won't judge you - will release the shame and get your power stirring again.
4. Flip it.
Usually when you feel beaten down, it's because you've slipped into feeling like a victim.
So you've got to flip it back to a knowingness that you still have control. Because you do.
Feeling like we're victim makes us feel weak, powerless, inadequate and lonely. It's not that some person
has got the best of you, rather it's that some person's behavior is challenging you to your core. And it's hard. But it's never out of your control. Never. You still have options. You still have the ability to choose your response. You still have the ability to grow.
It's not that the world has got the best of you, rather it's that circumstances are challenging you, to you core. And it's hard. But never out of your control. Never. Because you still have moves.
5. Escape it.
Think like Harry Houdini. You can get yourself out of this.
What you're facing can feel so hard. Indeed. But it only starts to feel like the death of your dreams when you're forgetting you still have many options to transform the situation. You have infinite options.
You always have many successful options that that you haven't tried yet - or even thought of. And you have a deep well of personal power, strength and brilliance. You haven't begun to find the bottom of your well of power yet. Your power runs infinitely deep. And the deeper you have to go, the more brilliant you'll find you are. You can get yourself out of anything. You can transform any problem into a prize.
6. Detour It.
If you can't face the problem today, do something you can feel good about.
Sometimes when we're tired and beaten down, our problem starts to own us, and when it owns us, we give it too much of our attention, everyday, no matter what.
It becomes a Kyrptonite hung around our neck. Take it off. Put it down. Walk away from it for a while.
Do something you can enjoy and easily control instead.
Bring your mood up with an easier more enjoyable activity.
Something that's good for your personal power. Something that gets your creative juices flowing.
Or your confidence up. Or something that enlarges your heart. Just do anything that gives you back your knowingness that you have power, ability, creativity, possibility, potential and the ability to move your life forward.
If you can't think of something to do for yourself, do something good for someone else. You can't give someone else a ittle lift without lifting your own mood.
7. Use it.
When your mood is restored a bit, look at your challenge and use it - as fuel.
Rocket fuel. Let it be the challenge that pushes you to grow.
Let it be the obstacle that vaults you to a new level of personal motivation.
Let it be the roadblock that stirs up your creativity, passion, and ferocity.
Let it be the problem that defined your relentless determination.
8. Thank it.
Thank it for showing up in your life. It came to help you grow. It did.
Because you asked for something more. And it came as the price of admission.
It's what your individualized Golden Ticket looks like.
Respond to your challenge with your massive personal power and you will gain entrance to your dreams made real.
Just don't quit. Or internalize it (meaning don't take an outside problem and internalize it as something that is wrong inside of you).
You're an infinitely powerful person and you can overcome anything. It's just the journey. It's just an obstacle along the path. It's not you. You're wonderful. And you're capable. And you're successful.
Sometimes you just get tired. It's understandable. You're working on something big.
So you've got some big things to overcome. You may be tired. Damned tired. But you're capable. Infinitely capable.
I know you get tired. I know you get beaten down. I know because I do too.
That's why I wrote this. Because I felt so beaten down today by my challenges that I didn't want to get out of bed. I wanted to say "Forget it. I can't do it. I give up. I'm too tired. I'm not strong enough. Uncle."
But I did get out of bed. I got myself up and wrote this article. For one reason: I've faced this feeling all too many times before. It has come with the territory of pursuing my dreams. It's the Destiny Maker that has come knocking with regularity on my door to find out How Bad Do You Want It? It's the Destiny Maker that comes to extract a decision: Quit or Grow? Love yourself or Not?
My success is not built on an absence of hard days. My success is built upon a response to many hard days. So when you feel feel beaten-down:
Don't quit it.
Don't internalize it.
Overcome it.
You can overcome anything. That's who you are.
Article written by Patrick Combs
It's a hard day. Challenging.
You know the kind.
You wake up feeling defeated. Before you even start.
It's not a lazy feeling.
Someday's it's an aimless feeling.
Some days it's a powerless feeling.
Sometimes it's a lonely feeling.
Perhaps at its core, it's a broke-down, unmotivated, somewhat agitated feeling.
Something is not right, and you're feeling beaten.
Beaten. Yes. Feeling beaten before you get out of the shower.
You might lose the whole day to this beaten feeling.
You might lose your dream to this beaten feeling.
You might lose everything because of this beaten-down feeling.
SO, what to do?? What to do? Because if you can't conquer this feeling, it will conquer you.
I've battled this beaten down feeling so many times before. I've found what works is to Name it, Accept it, Share it, Flip it, Escape it, Detour it, Use it, or Thank it.
1. Name It.
Until you name it, it owns you.
If you feel you've lost control over an important aspect of your life, admit it to yourself.
Maybe you feel that no matter how hard you try, you just can't win.
Maybe it feels like everyone can win except you. If that's what's bringing you down today, admit it to yourself.
Maybe you feel bad about yourself. Admit it. Naming a bad feeling is self-honesty. Without self-honesty you'll stay stuck.
2. Embrace It
Embrace whatever it is as a very normal human way to feel. Because it is. We all get down. Life is f-in hard on us all now and again. If you don't have hard hard days, you're (a) not alive, (b) not living, (c) not human. So appreciate your humanity, strong and weak. Don't kick yourself. Love your own beat-down feelings like you'd love your own child's cries of frustration while learning to ride a bike.
3. Share it.
Confide in someone how you're feeling and why. Speaking to someone about it will take the weight off it. Hiding the feeling from everyone else will turn the feeling into shame. You can't afford to let it turn into shame. Shame is the mother of all confidence killers. And if you are feeling ashamed, confiding in someone about it - someone who loves you and who won't judge you - will release the shame and get your power stirring again.
4. Flip it.
Usually when you feel beaten down, it's because you've slipped into feeling like a victim.
So you've got to flip it back to a knowingness that you still have control. Because you do.
Feeling like we're victim makes us feel weak, powerless, inadequate and lonely. It's not that some person
has got the best of you, rather it's that some person's behavior is challenging you to your core. And it's hard. But it's never out of your control. Never. You still have options. You still have the ability to choose your response. You still have the ability to grow.
It's not that the world has got the best of you, rather it's that circumstances are challenging you, to you core. And it's hard. But never out of your control. Never. Because you still have moves.
5. Escape it.
Think like Harry Houdini. You can get yourself out of this.
What you're facing can feel so hard. Indeed. But it only starts to feel like the death of your dreams when you're forgetting you still have many options to transform the situation. You have infinite options.
You always have many successful options that that you haven't tried yet - or even thought of. And you have a deep well of personal power, strength and brilliance. You haven't begun to find the bottom of your well of power yet. Your power runs infinitely deep. And the deeper you have to go, the more brilliant you'll find you are. You can get yourself out of anything. You can transform any problem into a prize.
6. Detour It.
If you can't face the problem today, do something you can feel good about.
Sometimes when we're tired and beaten down, our problem starts to own us, and when it owns us, we give it too much of our attention, everyday, no matter what.
It becomes a Kyrptonite hung around our neck. Take it off. Put it down. Walk away from it for a while.
Do something you can enjoy and easily control instead.
Bring your mood up with an easier more enjoyable activity.
Something that's good for your personal power. Something that gets your creative juices flowing.
Or your confidence up. Or something that enlarges your heart. Just do anything that gives you back your knowingness that you have power, ability, creativity, possibility, potential and the ability to move your life forward.
If you can't think of something to do for yourself, do something good for someone else. You can't give someone else a ittle lift without lifting your own mood.
7. Use it.
When your mood is restored a bit, look at your challenge and use it - as fuel.
Rocket fuel. Let it be the challenge that pushes you to grow.
Let it be the obstacle that vaults you to a new level of personal motivation.
Let it be the roadblock that stirs up your creativity, passion, and ferocity.
Let it be the problem that defined your relentless determination.
8. Thank it.
Thank it for showing up in your life. It came to help you grow. It did.
Because you asked for something more. And it came as the price of admission.
It's what your individualized Golden Ticket looks like.
Respond to your challenge with your massive personal power and you will gain entrance to your dreams made real.
Just don't quit. Or internalize it (meaning don't take an outside problem and internalize it as something that is wrong inside of you).
You're an infinitely powerful person and you can overcome anything. It's just the journey. It's just an obstacle along the path. It's not you. You're wonderful. And you're capable. And you're successful.
Sometimes you just get tired. It's understandable. You're working on something big.
So you've got some big things to overcome. You may be tired. Damned tired. But you're capable. Infinitely capable.
I know you get tired. I know you get beaten down. I know because I do too.
That's why I wrote this. Because I felt so beaten down today by my challenges that I didn't want to get out of bed. I wanted to say "Forget it. I can't do it. I give up. I'm too tired. I'm not strong enough. Uncle."
But I did get out of bed. I got myself up and wrote this article. For one reason: I've faced this feeling all too many times before. It has come with the territory of pursuing my dreams. It's the Destiny Maker that has come knocking with regularity on my door to find out How Bad Do You Want It? It's the Destiny Maker that comes to extract a decision: Quit or Grow? Love yourself or Not?
My success is not built on an absence of hard days. My success is built upon a response to many hard days. So when you feel feel beaten-down:
Don't quit it.
Don't internalize it.
Overcome it.
You can overcome anything. That's who you are.
Article written by Patrick Combs
The Butterfly Effect
Watch this great movie from When you life your life on purpose, your actions are more focussed and thought out. Every action you take, has an effect far beyond your comprehension.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Quote Of The Day
"Your real purpose in life is to develop yourself. To successfully do this you must always be working toward a goal."
Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Sunday Thoughts
It's amazing what a nice long walk in the fresh country air will do for your mindset. 90 minutes is all it took to get my mind clear on what goals I want to achieve this year. Ideas popped into my head and I had a few laughs to myself thinking about my kids. Feel really grateful for my time with them and its fascinating the way that their characters are developing and blossoming. They are both very different but amazing in their own ways. Came home and felt really positive..I will now schedule in one walk per week for 'thinking' time.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Personal Development Course - 'The Covenant'
Here are my study notes from the new personal development course from Andrew Reynolds called 'The Covenant'. Follows on from my previous post a few days ago.
- Let go of need and addiction and just take INSPIRED ACTION to propel you to your goals. Forget about the how and focus on the what. When inspiration calls...follow it.
- In the bigger picture, the divine has much more in store for you than you can possibly imagine and love is the key to the divine.
- When you are doing something you LOVE, your vibrational energy is higher and more powerful and this accelerates the speed at which the Universe attracts to you the things you want.
- Joe Vitale talks about a 'cleansing mantra' that he uses to bring him back to a sense of good vibrational energy whenever he feels that his path is blocked or he faces a challenging situation. The mantra consists of 4 phrases. 1) I love you. 2) I'm sorry. 3) Please forgive me. 4) Thank You. The order is not important and you can choose to say it in any order that you feel comfortable with. You are saying these phrases to yourself and to the divine (or the Universe).
- Whenever you feel that The Law of Attraction is not working for you, don't stop believing, but instead look at other ways/routes to get to where you want to go..maybe what you are doing is not the way it is meant to be done.
- To increase the amount you receive, you must first raise the threshold of deservedness. Open up and ACCEPT it! Welcome the gifts the Universe provides and feel grateful..not guilty!
- If things come to you and they feel right, then go with it. It could be the window of opportunity to direct you towards your goals. Trust inspiration and have faith.
- To remind yourself of your goals and also the methods of manifesting these goals, have your own triggers - this could be a wrist band or a badge with some trigger slogans on them, a goals book or board etc
- The Law of Giving can SUPERCHARGE the Law of Attraction. The more time, energy, love, attention, money you give away, the more you will get back in return. When you give these away, it triggers feelings of abundance. Give away when you feel that you have been given spiritual nourishment.
- Everyone is MAGNIFICENT in their own way..most people just don't realise it or feel it!
- Keeping your word - you need to try and keep your word on everything. Train yourself to have integrity. This will make you feel stronger mentally as you keep your word to yourself and to others. The Universe will see this too and will believe you when you say you are going to achieve your goals.
More to follow tomorrow...
Monday, 15 March 2010
Quote Of The Day
"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person."
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Friday, 12 March 2010
Friday Story
Live Backwards
Ben's first duty as a new pastor was to conduct a funeral service for Albert, a man who had died in his eighties. Since he didn't know the deceased, he invited members of the congregation to say a few kind words about Albert.
No one budged. "Many of you knew Albert for years," Ben prompted them. "Surely someone can say something nice."
After an uncomfortable pause, a voice from the back of the room said, "Well, his brother was worse."
If you died tomorrow, what would people say about you? Would their comments make you proud of the way you lived and the choices you made?
There's an old saying: "If you want to know how to live your life, think about what you'd like people to say about you after you die.and live backwards."
Thinking about the legacy we want to leave can help us keep our priorities straight. When the end is near, it's not likely any of us will say, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office." Unfortunately, many of us only begin to realize the value of the time we have after we've frittered much of it away in shallow ruts going nowhere important.
It's hard to think now what will matter later. But doing so can dramatically improve our chances of living a full and meaningful life with few regrets.
Knowing how we want to be remembered also allows us to make a strategic plan for our lives. How much wiser would our choices be if we had the wisdom and discipline to regularly ask ourselves whether all the things we do and say are taking us where we want to be at the end?
In a sense, we write our eulogies by the choices we make every day.
Michael Josephson
Ben's first duty as a new pastor was to conduct a funeral service for Albert, a man who had died in his eighties. Since he didn't know the deceased, he invited members of the congregation to say a few kind words about Albert.
No one budged. "Many of you knew Albert for years," Ben prompted them. "Surely someone can say something nice."
After an uncomfortable pause, a voice from the back of the room said, "Well, his brother was worse."
If you died tomorrow, what would people say about you? Would their comments make you proud of the way you lived and the choices you made?
There's an old saying: "If you want to know how to live your life, think about what you'd like people to say about you after you die.and live backwards."
Thinking about the legacy we want to leave can help us keep our priorities straight. When the end is near, it's not likely any of us will say, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office." Unfortunately, many of us only begin to realize the value of the time we have after we've frittered much of it away in shallow ruts going nowhere important.
It's hard to think now what will matter later. But doing so can dramatically improve our chances of living a full and meaningful life with few regrets.
Knowing how we want to be remembered also allows us to make a strategic plan for our lives. How much wiser would our choices be if we had the wisdom and discipline to regularly ask ourselves whether all the things we do and say are taking us where we want to be at the end?
In a sense, we write our eulogies by the choices we make every day.
Michael Josephson
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Personal Development Course - 'The Covenant'
I am currently into Month 2 of the Andrew Reynolds course 'The Covenant'. It is basically following on from the information and ideas contained in 'The Secret'. Month 2 contains DVD's and a workbook from Joe Vitale who appeared in The Secret movie. The first DVD is called 'Installing and Transcending The Secret'. Here are my notes from watching part of the DVD last night:
- As well as The Law of Attraction, also be aware of and use The Law of Gratitude. Think and focus on things you are grateful for now. This will invoke the feelings and emotions necessary for The Law of Attraction to provide more things in your life that you will feel grateful for.
- Do NOT focus on a lack of something you desire or a frustration at the time taken to achieve a goal as this will only bring you more of those negative feelings.
- Focus on what you DO want. Be happy in the NOW. Do not hinge your happiness or well-being on achieving the goals in the future. Feel the emotions of having achieved those goals NOW.
- Declare and believe your intentions - say them inside yourself or out loud several times a day.
- Get rid of limiting beliefs. Clear these from your system and follow your bliss. This will ensure you are free to blossom.
- Thoughts + Feelings = Manifestation
- Write down your goals as if it was AFTER you had achieved them (e.g. I am so happy and grateful now that I am living in my 4 bedroom detached villa overlooking the hills/sea etc).
- LOVE is the most powerful and creative force in the world.
Sam Crowley Podcast - Lose Your Disguise!
This is a link to an 8 min video from Sam Crowley (Every Day is Saturday guy). He is very 'fired up' but his message is so true. Hope you like it.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Quote Of The Day
"It is important to acknowledge a mistake instantly, correct it, and learn from it. That literally turns a failure into a success. Success is on the far side of failure."
T.J. Watson
T.J. Watson
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Just a (positive) thought........
I've been thinking about this subject for about 9 months now. Ever since I was introduced to the world of personal development in fact. My world and my mind has been opened up by people, books, DVD's and video blogs. I have so many positive people on my Facebook friends list that not a day goes by that I don't find inspiration and hope from someone or somewhere. Maybe I have just been blinkered to this society all my life, but I get the feeling that there is a shift or a movement gathering pace across the world. Through books like The Secret and The Law of Attraction, there seems to be a sense that we can all influence the paths we travel in life not only for ourselves, but for the good of society in general.
I feel a great sense of hope that we are finally getting our act together and that there is an amazing future ahead for not just this generation but every generation to follow. We CAN and WILL make a difference through positive thoughts and actions and the ability to communicate all across the world with like-minded people.
What do you all think?
I feel a great sense of hope that we are finally getting our act together and that there is an amazing future ahead for not just this generation but every generation to follow. We CAN and WILL make a difference through positive thoughts and actions and the ability to communicate all across the world with like-minded people.
What do you all think?
Quote Of The Day - from a Chinese Proverb
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."
Monday, 8 March 2010
Quote Of The Day
Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong
Monday Thought...
Is "it" what you really want?
I have been thinking about this topic for a few weeks now - then whilst watching a movie last week it was brought to my attention again.
It is not the "it" that you want, it is the fantasy of "it", it is the feeling of success when you have/get "it".
In other words, when you daydream about what you think will make you happy and successful, Is "it" the actual Luxury Car/Designer Home/ Ist Class Travel etc that you really want or is "it" the feeling of having all these things and the feeling of being successful what you really want?
So, why do so many people fail to get what they really want?
Because they think they will only be truly happy and successful when they get what really want. This is a sure recipe for failure.
If you are taking the steps you need to achieve what you really want - and are being true to yourself and all who have an influence in your life. Then you are on the path to having and achieving all you really want, the path may be a little rocky or windy and sometimes you may take a wrong turn - but that's life!
When you go into a maze - you go in knowing that you are going to find your way to the exit, you have a bit of fun on the journey of the maze - you take a few wrongs turns and have to backtrack and find another way to get to the exit - BUT that's exactly what you do - You find another way and you get to the exit! You don't give up and think its too hard, you know for a fact that if you persist you will find the exit. It may take a little longer than you had hoped for and your friends and others in the maze may get to the exit before you. But when you get to the exit - you have your story to tell of your journey.
So, think about what it is you really want to achieve, put steps in place - take action - and know that "Where there is a will there is a way".
Taken by kind permission from Allyson Morgans's blog..visit
I have been thinking about this topic for a few weeks now - then whilst watching a movie last week it was brought to my attention again.
It is not the "it" that you want, it is the fantasy of "it", it is the feeling of success when you have/get "it".
In other words, when you daydream about what you think will make you happy and successful, Is "it" the actual Luxury Car/Designer Home/ Ist Class Travel etc that you really want or is "it" the feeling of having all these things and the feeling of being successful what you really want?
So, why do so many people fail to get what they really want?
Because they think they will only be truly happy and successful when they get what really want. This is a sure recipe for failure.
If you are taking the steps you need to achieve what you really want - and are being true to yourself and all who have an influence in your life. Then you are on the path to having and achieving all you really want, the path may be a little rocky or windy and sometimes you may take a wrong turn - but that's life!
When you go into a maze - you go in knowing that you are going to find your way to the exit, you have a bit of fun on the journey of the maze - you take a few wrongs turns and have to backtrack and find another way to get to the exit - BUT that's exactly what you do - You find another way and you get to the exit! You don't give up and think its too hard, you know for a fact that if you persist you will find the exit. It may take a little longer than you had hoped for and your friends and others in the maze may get to the exit before you. But when you get to the exit - you have your story to tell of your journey.
So, think about what it is you really want to achieve, put steps in place - take action - and know that "Where there is a will there is a way".
Taken by kind permission from Allyson Morgans's blog..visit
Friday, 5 March 2010
Friday Story
Catching Fish In A Jar
When I was between eleven and twelve years old I decided one bright sunny day that it would be fun to go fishing. I didn't have any fishing gear and I had never done much fishing other than to play on the stream banks while my father fished. I also didn't want to "hurt" the fish I just wanted to catch them and then let them go.
I looked around the house for what I could use and I found a washed out old mayonnaise jar. You know the old style jars with the big open "mouth". I walked to a nearby pond and put the jar down in the soft dust-like mud of the water's edge with the open "mouth" of the jar facing toward the center. I then stirred the waters a little and made them cloudy so that the fish would have trouble seeing me. Then I waited hovering over the jar. Gradually, cautiously a small fish would swim up to the clear jar to investigate the disturbance and when it swam into the jar I dropped my hand into the water and over the jar mouth. I caught a fish, then another.
I just let them all go and returned my jar to the cupboard. Then I decided to use wire "box trap" to go fishing and rigged a string to the door. This way I could drop the trap in the water and not have to "hover over" it like I did with the jar. I sat very relaxed on the bank of the pond and sure enough I caught a fair sized bluegill. I took it home in a water filled plastic waste basket to show my dad and afterward returned it to the pond.
When I told people about how I had caught the fish they just paused and laughed nervously. You see unlike these people, I didn't know that you couldn't catch fish in a jar. If I would have asked them they would have scoffed and said, "You can't catch fish in a jar or a box trap!" No one in my life had ever dreamed of telling me that so my belief system did not contain these words or the impact that they would have had on my "day of fishing". Only a free minded kid could come up with an idea of using a jar or a box trap to catch fish! No one had told me that this was impossible so I just used what I was familiar with and what I had available and I succeeded.
Maybe today finds you facing a situation that seems impossible. You have a desire but no visible way of bringing it into being. You may need to find that "kid" inside you who thinks "outside the box" and the normal ways of achieving things and let him or her catch that fish in a jar! See your situation from a different angle. Start looking at the resources that you already have and the things that you are already familiar with. A fresh perspective and a childlike sense of wonder may surprise you and there's no telling what you will come up with!
Jami Sell
When I was between eleven and twelve years old I decided one bright sunny day that it would be fun to go fishing. I didn't have any fishing gear and I had never done much fishing other than to play on the stream banks while my father fished. I also didn't want to "hurt" the fish I just wanted to catch them and then let them go.
I looked around the house for what I could use and I found a washed out old mayonnaise jar. You know the old style jars with the big open "mouth". I walked to a nearby pond and put the jar down in the soft dust-like mud of the water's edge with the open "mouth" of the jar facing toward the center. I then stirred the waters a little and made them cloudy so that the fish would have trouble seeing me. Then I waited hovering over the jar. Gradually, cautiously a small fish would swim up to the clear jar to investigate the disturbance and when it swam into the jar I dropped my hand into the water and over the jar mouth. I caught a fish, then another.
I just let them all go and returned my jar to the cupboard. Then I decided to use wire "box trap" to go fishing and rigged a string to the door. This way I could drop the trap in the water and not have to "hover over" it like I did with the jar. I sat very relaxed on the bank of the pond and sure enough I caught a fair sized bluegill. I took it home in a water filled plastic waste basket to show my dad and afterward returned it to the pond.
When I told people about how I had caught the fish they just paused and laughed nervously. You see unlike these people, I didn't know that you couldn't catch fish in a jar. If I would have asked them they would have scoffed and said, "You can't catch fish in a jar or a box trap!" No one in my life had ever dreamed of telling me that so my belief system did not contain these words or the impact that they would have had on my "day of fishing". Only a free minded kid could come up with an idea of using a jar or a box trap to catch fish! No one had told me that this was impossible so I just used what I was familiar with and what I had available and I succeeded.
Maybe today finds you facing a situation that seems impossible. You have a desire but no visible way of bringing it into being. You may need to find that "kid" inside you who thinks "outside the box" and the normal ways of achieving things and let him or her catch that fish in a jar! See your situation from a different angle. Start looking at the resources that you already have and the things that you are already familiar with. A fresh perspective and a childlike sense of wonder may surprise you and there's no telling what you will come up with!
Jami Sell
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Social Media Redefined - and you can make a residual income!!
You know there was a time when the owners of Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and Google went to people and said, "I would really like you to take a look at this innovative concept I have.
I would also like to give you the opportunity to make a small investment in helping make sure this is successful. For your investment I will give you a chance to earn from the growth of my idea, concept or product." Imagine where you would be financially if you were one of those who invested in just one of these companies.
I send you this to tell you that you have the same opportunity with YourNight. Now, this may or may not be for you, but i ask you to please take a look.
YourNight is a new Social site that combines facebook, twitter, youtube, myspace, Linked-in and more...all on one page! No pop-ups or redirects...literally all on one page!
YourNight is FREE to Join!!
You can also Upgrade to become a Gold member for only $10/mo & Earn $2.00/mo Residual from all your direct invites. You will also Earn residual from indirect invites 7-levels Deep.
Take a look with an open mind. Invite Your friends before they Invite you.
if you are not a member... take a moment to sign up now!
I would also like to give you the opportunity to make a small investment in helping make sure this is successful. For your investment I will give you a chance to earn from the growth of my idea, concept or product." Imagine where you would be financially if you were one of those who invested in just one of these companies.
I send you this to tell you that you have the same opportunity with YourNight. Now, this may or may not be for you, but i ask you to please take a look.
YourNight is a new Social site that combines facebook, twitter, youtube, myspace, Linked-in and more...all on one page! No pop-ups or redirects...literally all on one page!
YourNight is FREE to Join!!
You can also Upgrade to become a Gold member for only $10/mo & Earn $2.00/mo Residual from all your direct invites. You will also Earn residual from indirect invites 7-levels Deep.
Take a look with an open mind. Invite Your friends before they Invite you.
if you are not a member... take a moment to sign up now!
Be Impeccable With Your Word - Replace Fear With Love
The human mind is like a fertile ground where seeds are continually being planted.
When you are impeccable with your word, your mind is no longer fertile ground for the words that come from fear;
Your mind is only fertile for the words that come from love.
Taken from 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz
When you are impeccable with your word, your mind is no longer fertile ground for the words that come from fear;
Your mind is only fertile for the words that come from love.
Taken from 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, 1 March 2010
Quote Of The Day
The difference between extraordinary people and ordinary people is a simple as the difference between the two words. Extraordinary people are committed to doing the extra things that ordinary people won't. Christine Kinney
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